Popular Articles

  1. Create and Delete Templates

    When you have a favorite model structure that you want to reuse, you can create a template from it and use it when creating new models. A  Template is used to create a new Comparion model with predefined: objectives hierarchy,  alternatives, ...
  2. Alternatives Chart

    The Alternatives Chart page displays the same priorities as the Alternatives Grid . Alternative Charts Overview By default, the Columns chart is displayed.  The column chart below shows the alternative priorities with respect to the overall Goa...
  3. Dynamic Analysis

    Overview Dynamic Sensitivity analysis is used to dynamically change the priorities of the objectives to determine how these changes affect the priorities of the alternative choices.   Click  to show/hide the toolbar options:  By dragging...
  4. Define the Contributions of Alternatives to Covering Objectives

    You can define the Contributions of Alternatives to Covering Objectives from   the   DEFINE MODEL  > Review/Refine Model >  Contributions   page . The Contributions page can be displayed by Alternatives: or by Objectives: By defau...
  5. Math of AHP

    The Math of AHP -- Computing priorities from pairwise comparisons Eigenvector computation Priorities for the elements in a cluster are derived from the relative pairwise comparisons by normalizing the principle right eigenvector of the matrix co...
  6. Objectives Chart

    The Objectives Chart page displays a variety of charts for objectives and sub-objectives.  It displays the same priorities as the Objectives Grid .  Columns Chart By default, the Columns chart is displayed.  The columns chart below has the hier...
  7. Evaluation Settings

  8. Self-host Instructions for Active Directory/Single Sign-On (SSO)

    To set up Comparion Self-Host with your Active Directory/SSO: Configure saml.config Open the saml.config file located in the installation folder (...\ Application ).   Edit the saml.config parameters. This needs to be confi...
  9. Objectives Grid

    The Objectives  Grid  page shows the objectives priorities with respect to the decision goal for All Participants.  You can select to show the children , covering objectives , or  all objectives below the selected node in the hierarchy: "...
  10. Availability Bias

    Availability Bias is the tendency to let an example that easily comes to mind easily affect decision-making or reasoning. 1   This occurs when we overweight evidence that comes more easily to mind or is more prevalent in our memories. The study o...