Download Data Grid

The  button is used to create a .xlsx file (readable in Excel) with four sections: 

  • Datagrid
  • Calculated
  • Instructions
  • The Math Explained

Datagrid for All Participants: 

The Datagrid for All Participants (see below) contains the: 

The Calculated sheet is similar to the Datagrid sheet but shows the ratio scale priorities derived from the specific measurement types of Pairwise, Ratings, Utility Curves and Step Functions: 

The Instructions sheet displays instructions you can follow when working with Datagrid: 

Datagrid for One of the Participants:

The Datagrid for one of the participants (in this case, the John Doe) is:

Since John Doe is the only participant with judgments/data, it looks the same as the Datagrid for "All Participants."

However, when we download the Datagrid for the John Doe, we see a difference in the Datagrid tab of the spreadsheet:

The difference is that Ratings are shown as they were input by the participant; in this case, Very Good, Good to Very Good, and Moderate for the three alternatives respectively.

The Utility Curve and Step Function data are also displayed instead of the priorities.