Participant Display Options

Show or Hide Intermediate and Overall Results

The Project Manager can select options that determine what the evaluators will see during their evaluation session, such as the Intermediate and Overall Results.  This can be done on the COLLECT INPUT > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options.

Intermediate Results

Intermediate results, such as the priorities for elements in a cluster derived from pairwise comparisons, can be shown or hidden from evaluators.  If shown, their individual results can be shown, or the combined results, or both.

Intermediate results can be sorted by name, individual priority, or combined priority.

The Hide option applies to both Anytime and TeamTime.  The Individual and Combined are applicable only to Anytime Evaluation.

TeamTime will display both individual and combined results unless the “Hide” option is ticked, in which case you get no results steps at all. 

To hide the combined results in TeamTime, the Project Manager can click the gear icon and then check the "Hide Combined Results" checkbox during the meeting.

You can show the "expected value" if the node names are numeric.       

You can also hide or show the index in the results grid.

Overall Results

Overall results for the alternatives can be shown to or hidden from evaluators.  If shown, their individual results can be shown, or the combined results, or both.

The Hide option applies to both Anytime and TeamTime.  The Individual and Combined are applicable only to Anytime Evaluation. 

TeamTime will display both individual and combined results unless the “Hide” option is ticked, in which case you get no results steps at all. 

To hide the combined results in TeamTime, the Project Manager can click the gear icon and then check the "Hide Combined Results" checkbox during the meeting.

Overall results can be sorted by name, individual priority, or combined priority.

You can show the "expected value" if the node names are numeric.       

You can also hide or show the index in the results grid.

Edit Welcome, Thank You or Rewards pages

The Welcome, Thank you, or Reward pages of the evaluation can be shown or hidden.  This can be done on the COLLECT INPUT > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options.

A welcome page is shown at the beginning of the evaluation and/or a thank you page at the end of the evaluation. 

You can also display a reward page instead of the thank you page when participants have completed all the judgments they have a role for.

Each of these pages can be edited.  Simply click the Edit... button to open the rich text editor where you can add texts, images, URLs, etc.

Show Objectives Full Path

You can show or hide the objective's full path in the evaluation heading. 

 This can be done on the COLLECT INPUT > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options.

  • Never - do not show the objectives' full path at all.
  • Always - always show the objectives full path.
  • Auto-collapse  - show the objective full path for 5 seconds and then collapse it.  Clicking the objective name will show again the full path.

Show or Hide Inconsistency Ratio

Inconsistency Ratio can be shown or hidden in the Intermediate Results pages.  This can be done on the COLLECT INPUT > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options.

The inconsistency ratio can be shown when judgments are entered using pairwise comparisons. The evaluators will also see various options to improve the inconsistency.  

Information Documents Settings (Hide or Show, Tooltip or Frame View)

Information Documents can be shown or hidden and displayed as a tooltip or as a frame in the Collect Input process.    This can be done on the COLLECT INPUT > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options.

Simply check the "Show information documents" checkbox to show the information documents.

The information documents captions can be hidden:

The information documents can be displayed in the frame as shown above or as a tooltip:

Simply hover on the "i" icon to display its content.

Allow Comments Entry

Evaluators can add comments during the evaluation. 

A comment allows the evaluator to add a note for his/her specific judgment, which the Project Manager can later review in the Judgments Overview Reports.

The comments Entry can be enabled or disabled.

 This can be done on the COLLECT INPUT > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options.

Simply check or uncheck the Show/allow comments entry. 

Depending on the evaluation (multi or single), comments are displayed as a tooltip by clicking the blue icon.

or in the expandable frame:

Show Sensitivity Analysis on the Evaluation

Sensitivity analysis (Dynamic, Performance, and Gradient) can be shown or hidden to the evaluators.  If shown, either the individual or combined priorities can be shown.

This can be done on the COLLECT INPUT > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options.

Results can be computed as an ideal mode (default) or distributive mode synthesis.

An ideal alternative can be included (default) so that priorities of alternatives, with respect to covering objectives where no alternative has a priority of 1, will be commensurate with priorities of alternatives that are computed with pairwise comparisons.

Show Expected Values

If applicable, you can show the Expected Values on Intermediate and Overall Results. 

Expected value (also known as EV, expectation, average, or mean value) is a long-run average value of random variables.  It also indicates the probability-weighted average of all possible values.

This can be turned on or off from  COLLECT INPUT > Set Measurement Options >  PARTICIPANT DISPLAY OPTIONS:

In the example below, the expected value is an anticipated value for investment at some point in the future (Price of Apple). The variables used to calculate the Expected Value are the element names.

The Expected Value is displayed at the bottom of the Intermediate and Overall Results of the evaluation pages, as highlighted below:

Show or Hide Index, Normalization and Priority bars

The Project Manager can select options that determine what the evaluators will see during their evaluation session, such as the Intermediate and Overall Results.  This can be done on the COLLECT INPUT > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options.

For the Intermediate and Overall Results screens, the Project Manager can select to show or hide the element index, normalization dropdown, and priority bars. These are checked by default. 

Show Pairwise Verbal Scale Ratio

The Project Manager can now display the verbal ratio (x3, x5, x7, x9) for single and multi-pairwise evaluation. 

This option can be turned on from the Set Measurement Options > Participant display options: