After structuring the hierarchy and defining the participant roles and defining the measurement methods, the next step is collecting input.
(Note: iteration, or going back to change objectives or alternatives based on new knowledge is supported and recommended. After adding an objective or alternative, you only need new judgments or data related to the added objective or alternative.)
The input is either data or participant judgments.
- Measurement methods for participant judgments include Pairwise comparison and Rating scale.
- Measurement methods for data include Direct, Utility curve, or Step function.
is the process of collecting participants' judgments -- either individually (AnyTime Evaluation) or collaboratively as a team (TeamTime Evaluation).
The process of collecting input consists of a series of steps/pages containing:
- An introduction page
- A series of pages for comparisons, ratings, and data
- Intermediate results
- Overall results
- Possibly some sensitivity graphs (anytime)
- A "thank you" page
The Project Manager can set options for what pages to appear, the order of appearance, and what appears on each page -- these settings are done in the "DEFINE MODEL" stage.
The Project Manager sends the invitation for the AnyTime Evaluation.
The Project Manager can collect his or her judgments by clicking either "Collect Input" for non-responsive pages or "Collect Input" for responsive pages.
Responsive evaluation allows you to automatically adjust the content and layout of the page to accommodate a variety of devices and windows or screen sizes.
The Project Manager can also send the invitation for TeamTime evaluation and Start or Stop the meeting.