- Replace the instances comparion.example.com of your FQDN fully qualified domain name), eg. comparion.acme.org in the setup.ini file.
- Set the DB_COMPARION value to the name you wish to call your Comparion database.
- Leave OPTIONS_ForceSSL set to 0 until you get the system running. Afterwards, you can change this value to 1, run the SelfHostSetup.ps1 script again and then manually install your SSL certificate for this site. This will force all http requests to be redirected to https.
- Comparion requires access to an SMTP server to send emails to users. Enter the values for the SMTP_ sections accordingly. You may have to experiment with changing SMTP_UseSSL from 1 to 0 depending upon your SMTP server.
- Enter the correct values for the SqlServer entries. If you are specifying that you are using a "Trusted" connection, make sure you don't have values for the SQL Server username and password. The account you specify, regardless of the connection type needs to have at least db creation and owner privileges in order to create and modify the datbase. If you are using Trusted connection, you need to make sure the account that is running under the websites Application Identity in IIS is able to authenticate against the SQL Server.
- Please see the article Machine Certificates to see how to get the values for WCERT_encodedvalue and WCERT_THUMBPRINT.
[setup] DNS_FQDN=comparion.example.com DNS_EVALSITE=r-comparion.example.com DB_COMPARION=ComparionDB OPTIONS_ForceSSL=0 SMTP_FullEmail=admin@example.com SMTP_Name=SelfhostAdministrator SMTP_Password=SMTP_PASSWORD SMTP_Port=25 SMTP_Server=smtp.example.com SMTP_User=donotreply@example.com SMTP_UseSSL=1 SqlServerAddress=localhost SqlServerTrusted=false SqlServerUser= SqlServerPassword= WCERT_encodedvalue= WCERT_THUMBPRINT= FogBugz_AutoSubmit=0 FOGBUGZ_Area= FOGBUGZ_Email= FOGBUGZ_Feedback= FOGBUGZ_Project= FOGBUGZ_Submit= FOGBUGZ_AutoSubmit=0 FOGBUGZ_User= OPTIONS_HttpErrors=DetailedLocalOnly OPTIONS_DisableAutoCompleteForLogin=0 OPTIONS_HideMasterHeader=false OPTIONS_LockTimeout=1 OPTIONS_CustomFileRoot=..\ [info] INFO_APPVERSION= INFO_Changeset=c4d7b730434a [sign] CERTFILE= CERTPASSWORD= PUBLISHER=Expert Choice, Inc. [dnsimple] AccountId= Token= [Azure] EnviornmentName= AzureBaseAddress= ResourceGroupLocation= ResourceGroupName= SubscriptionID= ServicePrincipalAppID= ServicePrincipalKey= TenantID= StorageAccountName= DatabaseEdition= DatabaseServiceLevel= SqlServerName= ServerIP= WCERT_CERTFILE= WCERT_CERTPASSWORD= CTier= CNumberOfWorkers= CServicePlanSize= RTier= RNumberOfWorkers= RServicePlanSize=
Next: Install Expert Choice Self host instance
Previous: Machine Certificates