Portfolio Assessment


Efficient Frontier
The Efficient Frontier results make it easy to compare several scenarios and see the effects of lower or higher budgets.  Click  to display results: You can select the scenarios to display by using the Scenarios drop-down: When there is mo...
Strategic Buckets
You can set up "Strategic Buckets" by designating categories for the alternatives/projects.  Typical categories might include the type of project, business area addressed, time frame, level of risk, geographical region, etc.  Strategic buckets are ...
Scenario Comparisons
Scenario Comparisons lets you view several scenarios side by side, making it easy to compare the alternatives properties, objective priorities, and constraints side by side. You can select the scenarios to display using the Scenarios drop-down: ...
The Visualizations page graphs the alternatives with respect to the covering objectives.  You can plot the alternatives for a specific scenario by selecting the desired scenario in the scenario drop-down: You have several options on plotting t...