The Two Dimensional sensitivity graph shows how well the alternatives perform with respect to any two objectives.
One objective is represented on the X-Axis and another on the Y-Axis. The circles represent the alternatives. If you think of the area of the 2D plot as divided into quadrants, the most favorable alternatives with respect to the two objectives shown will be in the upper right quadrant while, conversely, the least favorable alternatives will be shown in the lower left quadrant. Alternatives located in the upper left and lower right quadrants indicate key trade-offs where there is a conflict between the two objectives.
You can change the objectives being displayed on the x and y axes by selecting them in the pull-down menus:
or by clicking the (x-axis), or
Click to show/hide the toolbar options:
By selecting an element in the hierarchy other than the goal, you can see the results with respect to (WRT) this element rather than the overall results with respect to the goal:
Toggleto show/hide the objectives hierarchy/tree at the left.
Toggle to show/hide the Local and Global objectives priorities on the objectives hierarchy/tree.
Select Participant and Group
By default, the result shown is for the "All Participants" group. You can select to display results for individual participants or another group.
DIDN'T SEE THE OPTION YOU ARE LOOKING FOR? Try enabling the Advanced Mode switch at the bottom of the page; this will show the advanced options on this page.