Upgrade the Application

To upgrade Comparion, extract the contents of the new zip you received to your C:\Websites directory. For example, if your zip file is named your C:\Websites directory could look like this, shown with 4 different versions in total, being the latest.


Open up the setup.ini file in the directory that you are currently running Comparion from (the old/existing version). If you're not sure which version of Comparion you are currently running, when you log into Comparion, look for the version number in the bottom right corner of the web page.

Now open up the setup.ini in the directory of the latest version you just extracted (the new version). Copy all of the values from the [setup] section and paste those over the values in the [setup] section in the new version.

It is very important you do not overwrite the items in the [info] section. If you do overwrite these, your system will show the installed version incorrectly.

Save the new setup.ini file. Open Powershell as an Administrator.

Navigate to the new directory. Type the following:

notepad setup.ini

Verify the information in this setup file is correct, including the the value INFO_APPVERSION matches the name of the directory. If everything looks correct, close this file then type:


This will unregister the previous installed application and register the new one. Open the site to verify the correct version appears in the lower corner of the system.

If you are getting a message in the center of the screen in a red color about the database needs updating,

  • login to the system with the admin account.
  • After logging in, navigate to the installation page. This is done by adding "/install" to the end of your URL. So if your application resides at http://comparion.example.com, navigate to http://comparion.example.com/install.
  • You will see one or more checkboxes that are not grayed out indicating patches that need to be executed.
  • Select the first enabled checkbox, then press the Apply Patches button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Repeat this process until there are no more selectable checkboxes.
  • Click the Return button at the bottom right corner of the screen. You should now be at the application home page and the red message about the database should be gone.

Next (if necessary): Apply a new license file