Model Snapshots allows you to restore your Comparion model to a specific snapshot or restore point.
You can open Snapshots from the upper right menu as shown above, which is available on every page when the model is open, or in the Model's list command when the model is closed.
View Mode
Model Snapshots can be displayed in Grid or List View.
Click to toggle between Grid and List view.
Grid View
The Grid View groups the similar snapshot actions (see 1st column) and shows the corresponding Date/Timestamps on the succeeding columns.
For example below, the "Update pipe setting" action has snapshots with ID #183, #180, #177, and so on for different dates/times.
List View
Simply shows the snapshots' actions in a list view.
Automatic Snapshots
A - (Auto) snapshots created automatically when modifying the model (i.e., add nodes, change contributions, model options, etc.). Automatic snapshots are created after the change in the model.
Manual Snapshots
M - (Manual) created by the user at any time for any reason.
You can manually create a restore point by clicking the button.
A dialog box prompt will be displayed where you can add a comment:
Manual snapshots have a green font color.
Filter Snapshots
To filter the grid or list of snapshots, click the
button. You can choose to show all snapshots, only automatic snapshots, or only manual snapshots.
Edit and Delete Snapshots
Hovering on a snapshot name (List View) or Snapshot ID (Grid View) displays the pencil and delete icons.
Clicking the pencil icon will show the edit window where you can edit the snapshot comment.
To delete multiple snapshots at the same time, click the
button, then select the snapshot(s) to delete, and then click Delete Selected. You can also empty the list using Delete All.
Restore Snapshots
To restore your model to a specific snapshot (model version):
- Open Snapshots
- Click on the Snapshot name in the List View
or the Snapshot number in the Grid view
of the version you want to revert to.
- A confirmation prompt will appear:
3. If you wish to create a snapshot of the current state before restoring, click the applicable checkbox, enter the snapshot name, and then click Proceed.