Overall Results


Alternatives Chart
The Alternatives Chart page displays the same priorities as the Alternatives Grid . Alternative Charts Overview By default, the Columns chart is displayed.  The column chart below shows the alternative priorities with respect to the overall Goa...
Objectives Chart
The Objectives Chart page displays a variety of charts for objectives and sub-objectives.  It displays the same priorities as the Objectives Grid .  Columns Chart By default, the Columns chart is displayed.  The columns chart below has the hier...
Alternatives Grid
Overview The Alternatives Grid  page shows the alternative priorities with respect to the decision goal for All Participants. These priorities are based on the normalized right eigenvector of the geometric average of the judgments for all partic...
Objectives Grid
The Objectives  Grid  page shows the objectives priorities with respect to the decision goal for All Participants.  You can select to show the children , covering objectives , or  all objectives below the selected node in the hierarchy: "...
Consensus View
The consensus view shows the standard deviations (the square root of the variances) among evaluators for each judgment. The table is sorted from highest disagreement to lowest disagreement among evaluators for each node. The entries are displaye...
Filter Alternatives
You can specify alternatives be excluded or included in the Synthesize results using the Filter Alternatives dropdown.  Click  to expand the toolbar options, if collapsed.  By default, all alternatives are displayed. Show top N Alternatives....
Select Participants and Groups
You can display the Alternatives and Objectives priorities in Grids and Charts for one or more participants or groups. Click  to expand the toolbar options, if collapsed.  Clicking  will open a window displaying the participants and groups of th...
Change Alternatives and Objectives Color
We have flexible ways to assign colors to Alternatives and Objectives.  Custom Color Custom color is assigned to alternatives and objectives individually. Custom colors are defined from the Define Model > Alternatives page  and Synthesize scre...