To set up Comparion Self-Host with your Active Directory/SSO:
Configure saml.config
- Open the saml.config file located in the installation folder (...\Application).
- Edit the saml.config parameters. This needs to be configured with the values provided by your IdP vendor.
Parameter | Description |
ServiceProvider Name | The default identifier (Entity ID) |
ServiceProvider Description | Identifier description (optional) |
AssertionConsumerServiceUrl | The application callback URL where the response will be posted |
Local Certificate FileName | To support signed requests: local certificate path |
Local Certificate Password | The password you set for the local certificate |
PartnerIdentityProvider Name | This value is the URL for the identity provider where your product will accept authentication requests.
SingleSignOnServiceUrl | This value defines the URL your users will be redirected to when logging in |
SingleLogoutServiceUUrl | This value defines the URL your users will be redirected to when logging out |
Partner Certificate Use | Use to verify that your identity provider has issued all received SAML authentication requests |
Partner Certificate FileName | Certificate Path |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SAMLConfiguration xmlns="urn:componentspace:SAML:2.0:configuration">
<ServiceProvider Name="" Description="" AssertionConsumerServiceUrl="">
<Certificate FileName="" Password="" />
<PartnerIdentityProvider Name="" SingleLogoutServiceUrl="" SingleSignOnServiceUrl="">
<Certificate Use="" FileName="" />
Configure appSettings.config
- Open the appSettings.config file located in the installation folder (...\Application).
- Add the PartnerIdP key/value. The PartnerIdP key value is the same as the value you entered for PartnerIdentityProvider Name on saml.config
<appSettings><add key="PartnerIdP" value="" />
Configure System Settings
- Log in as admin
- Go to the System Settings page (Click the username > Manage System > System settings)
or go directly to ../install/Settings.aspx
- In the SSO setting section:
- Check the Use SSO (Single Sign-On) for authenticate users - this will show the SSO button on the login page
- Optional:
- Allow to use only SSO for any public access (non-localhost request) - only use the SSO login option, this will hide the normal login options
- Default workgroup name when new SSO user signup
- Default workgroup role when new SSO user signup