Availability Bias is the tendency to let an example that easily comes to mind easily affect decision-making or reasoning. 1 This occurs when we overweight evidence that comes more easily to mind or is more prevalent in our memories. The study o...
Last Updated: 09/14/2022
in Wikis
Being a good leader requires more than just knowing the right way to do things. It also requires knowing how to choose the right things to do . Decision-making is arguably the most difficult, and the most essential, task a manager performs. Effect...
When a manager looks at the world through only one mental window, s/he fails to see other views. This may lead to the use of outdated, or even wrong, frames. Frame Blindness is setting out to solve the wrong problem (or failure to adequately sol...
Last Updated: 02/01/2022
in Manage Models Deleted
Models that are deleted are moved to the deleted tab and remain there until: (1) they are restored by pressing the Restore (undelete) option, (2) they are permanently deleted by pressing the Delete option, or (3) some period of time has ela...
An "Insight Questionnaire" can be presented to evaluators at the beginning ( Pre-Survey ) of the input collection process, at the end ( Post-Survey ) of the input collection process, or both. Clicking Pre-Survey or Post-Survey will display a p...
Intuitive decision-making is described as the process by which information, acquired through associated learning and stored in long-term memory, is accessed unconsciously to form the basis of a judgment or decision. 1 Intuition is based on the i...
Last Updated: 12/17/2021
in Release Notes
January 31, 2020 | Version: Enhancements Enhancements of Resource Aligner's Funding Pools Added a running total at the bottom that updates dynamically when amounts in the text boxes change; Displayed a row for percentage filled...
To install Comparion: Make sure you have saved setup.ini , and then Open a Powershell prompt with elevated Administrator privileges. Navigate to the install directory where SelfHostSetup.ps1 is located. Make sure your system can run powershe...
Last Updated: 02/16/2022
in Synthesize Overall Results
The consensus view shows the standard deviations (the square root of the variances) among evaluators for each judgment. The table is sorted from highest disagreement to lowest disagreement among evaluators for each node. The entries are displaye...