After Downloading the Datagrid file of one of the participants, you can change data on the downloaded .xlsx file and upload it back to Comparion.
Note: We recommend utilizing the Datagrid upload functionality primarily for uploading Alternative scores or judgments. Adding Alternatives and their attributes can be conveniently accomplished from the Define Model > Alternatives page.
Entering or Changing Data for Uploading: Any of the cells in green can be changed either manually by pasting from the clipboard, or by using an Excel macro.
In order to edit the Datagrid, you need to click the Enable Editing button found at the top:
From our example, John Doe has the following data:
We will edit the DataGrid of John Doe as follows:
- Rename Alt1 to Alt1_rename.
- Delete Alt_3.
- Add values for Costs (100, 200, 300).
- Change the Ratings (Good, Outstanding) for the two alternatives.
- Update the alternative attribute alt_string (aaa, bbb) and alt_categorical (category3,category4).
- Note:
- For non-categorical attributes, the values should satisfy the attribute type (string, integer, float, boolean), or else it will be ignored during upload.
- For categorical attributes, if the category entered is not an existing category of the given attribute, the category will be added as a new category (in our example, category4 will be added as a new category).
- For multi-categorical attributes, any changes will be ignored.
- Note:
- Add new alternative'Alt4_new" and add 0.2 rating, 0.7 direct priority, 0.5 Utility Curve and 60 Step Function data.
The Datagrid after the changes will look like below:
Note: Only the Project Managers can manage the alternatives (add, rename, delete) and update the Costs, Risks, and alternative attributes. For Participants, only changes for the judgments can be uploaded; any other changes will be ignored during the upload. In our example, John Doe is a Project Manager of the model.
After updating the Datagrid, simply save the file and upload it back in Comparion.
To upload, select John Doe and then click upload.
Note: Upload Datagrid only works for Participants. You cannot upload Datagrid for groups.
A model to browse for the file to upload will be displayed as shown below; click Choose File and browse for the DataGrid file, and then click the Upload button.
The resulting Datagrid is shown below:
Note: The categories are populated for the newly added alternative "Alt4_new" even if they were not added by uploading the .xlsx file; this is because these are defaults for the alternative attributes, which were specified from the Alternatives page.