Comparion has a flexible way of defining the wording to be used on your model.
The Model Wording is initially defined for new models from:
- Default Options Sets - use the wording as specified on the default option sets Judgments Options wording.
- Workgroup Wording Templates - check the "Use workgroup wording templates" check box to apply the "Workgroup Wording Templates" to the new model's Judgments Options terminologies.
NOTE: When uploading existing models, or creating models from Archive or Templates, the wording will be based on its Judgments Options wording.
Based on the selected option above, the wording will be applied to the created model’s JUDGMENTS OPTIONS WORDING which will be used throughout the model.
NOTE: Since the Judgments Options terminologies only have a plural form, few places which use the singular form will use the Workgroup Templates’ singular terminologies.
You can also select the evaluation phrase to be used in the evaluation; by default, we show the wording for pairwise comparison both for Objectives (left) and Alternatives (right) as shown above.
Expand the dropdown to select the phrase.
For Objectives:
For Alternatives:
Alternatively, you can also select Custom and type in the desired phrase (e.g., is more influential, has more importance, etc.).
When you select from the predefined phrase on the dropdown, the wording will also be applied to the Rating evaluation.
For example, if you selected "is more important," the Rating wording on the evaluation page will be "Rate the importance." Custom wording is not applicable for Ratings.
If you want to fully customize the evaluation questions, you can edit the question directly on the evaluation page.
A summary of how wording works are shown in the diagram below: