BOPSAT is decision-making by a Bunch of People Sitting Around Talking, which is a management practice of using sometimes inexperienced committee members to make important decisions.  Even though there may be considerable preparation for a BOPSAT, including information-gathering and detailed analyses, there are numerous problems with this approach.  BOPSAT sessions, which are rarely facilitated, are often dominated by the leader, who sets the tone and is often not challenged.  Once the group sets off on the wrong path, they rarely look back.2

Next: Rules of thumb

Bible, Michael J. and Susan S. Bivins. Mastering Project Portfolio Management: A Systems Approach to Achieving Strategic Objectives. J. Ross Publishing, 2011.
Forman, Ernest H. and Mary Ann Selly.  Decision by Objectives: How to Convince Others That You Are Right.  World Scientific Publishing Company, 2001.