Four at a time

This page displays the same information as the Sensitivity ∆ Alternatives sensitivity:  One at a time but with four participants or groups at a time.

Sensitivity ∆ (delta) Alternatives page shows the changes in overall alternative priorities, when alternative performance with respect to one or more covering objectives is changed.  If you change an alternative's priority with respect to a single objective, you'll see the effect on the alternative's overall priority.

When the priority of an alternative is changed with respect to (wrt) an objective, we do not adjust the other alternative priorities (normalize to 1) as we do when we change the objective priorities in Sensitivity Δ delta Objectives. 

You can select or deselect objectives to view a subset of alternative performance with respect to covering objectives. 

Click  to show the toolbar options (showing and hiding the toolbar is being remembered).

You can show or hide the Objectives Hierarchy and/or the Local and Global Objective priorities on the hierarchy:

You can Filter the alternatives:

You can cycle through four participants/groups at a time by clicking << (previous) and >> (next) chevrons. 

When a participant or group is marked as "keep," the participant or group will remain selected as you cycle through using the prev/next buttons at the top.