Updated Articles

  1. Instructions for Receiver and Keypads with TeamTime Evaluation

    Plug the receiver into the USB port of the computer being used by the Facilitator. The drivers should be loaded automatically. Downloading and Installation of the TeamTime Keypad Assistant To download and use the TeamTime Keypad Assistant, make s...
  2. Setting Keypad mode in TeamTime Evaluation

    Participants can evaluate the objectives and/or alternatives in an online mode from any location, and/or in the meeting room (in which the meeting facilitator has set up a keypad receiver) using keypads. You can set the TeamTime mode in COLLECT IN...
  3. How to fix the formatting issues on the information documents?

    Information Documents formatting can be inconsistent for a few reasons, such as when the information was copied from an external source document and pasted to the rich text editor .  We suggest clearing or resetting the formatting using the icon b...
  4. Why I cannot see the options to manage my workgroup/models?

    If you are a Workgroup Manager/Owner, you have permission to create new models and manage all  existing models and participants in your workgroup.  If you cannot see these options, your workgroup permission might be assigned incorrectly; please c...
  5. How to make sure that my judgments are being saved?

    Your judgments are automatically recorded when you move to another step, using the " Next, " " Previous ," or " Next Unassessed " button.  You can also click the step number you are currently at to save your judgments and to stay on that page.  ...
  6. Workgroup, Model and Evaluation Wording

    Comparion has a flexible way of defining the wording to be used on your model. The Model Wording is initially defined for new models from: Default Options Set s   - use the wording as specified on the default option sets Judgments Options wo...
  7. Workgroup Wording Template

    When creating a new model, you can select whether to use the Default Options Set Wording or the Workgroup Wording . To define your Workgroup Wording, click on your User Name  > Manage Workgroup > Wording Template page: Here you can specify...
  8. Send AnyTime Invitations Overview

    Comparion has several ways to invite participants to an anytime evaluation -- both for unregistered participants as well as those already registered in the model.   Responsive or Non-responsive Evaluation pages  AnyTime evaluation pages can be ...
  9. Four at a time

    This page displays the same information as the Sensitivity ∆ Alternatives sensitivity:  One at a time but with four participants or groups at a time. Sensitivity ∆ (delta) Alternatives page shows the changes in overall alternative priorities, ...
  10. One at a time

    Sensitivity ∆ (delta) Alternatives page shows the changes in overall alternative priorities when alternative performance with respect to one or more covering objectives is changed.  If you change an alternative's priority with respect to a single ob...