The Head-to-head- analysis shows how Alternatives compare to each other with respect to an Objective. One alternative is listed on the left side of the graph and the other is listed on the right. Down the middle of the graph are the objectives ...
Overview Performance analysis is used to dynamically change the priorities of the objectives to determine how these changes affect the priorities of the alternative choices. Each performance sensitivity is composed of: The relative import...
Overview Dynamic Sensitivity analysis is used to dynamically change the priorities of the objectives to determine how these changes affect the priorities of the alternative choices. Click to show/hide the toolbar options: By dragging...
Every day, people face decisions in domains as diverse as choosing among shampoos, stocks, medical treatments, and friends. When people have not learned what to do through trial and error, they need a suite of generally applicable decision-making s...
Last Updated: 06/12/2019
Define project is the first step in the decision process where we "structure" a decision model by identifying objectives and alternatives, participants and assigning them roles. After structuring a hierarchy of objectives and identifying alternati...