Start/Stop Meeting

Start or Stop TeamTime Evaluation

After selecting and inviting participants to a TeamTime evaluation session, you can start the meeting (which can consist of both keypad users in the same room as well as remote users from any location).

This can be done in COLLECT INPUT > TeamTime Evalaution > Start/Stop meeting

Before a TeamTime session, we can choose from various option as shown below:

  • Display users with "View Only" access - whether to display the participants that are designated as "View Only" or not. The "View only" access is set to the participants from the TeamTime Evaluation | Select Participants screen.

  • Hide Judgments - to hide the judgments of the participants.  The Project Manager can also hide/unhide judgments while the TeamTime session is ongoing.

  • Anonymous mode - hide the evaluator names.

  • Hide Project Manager - hide the Project Manager in the TeamTime session participants list.

  • Hide off-line users - hide the offline users in the TeamTime session participants list.  The variances and results will not consider the judgments of the offline users when the offline users are hidden.  The Project Manager can also hide or show the offline users from TeamTime settings.

Once you make your settings simply click the "Start Session" button, which will open a new window/tab and start the TeamTime evaluation session. 

The TeamTime Session will open in a new browser window.  Each participant that logs in will see a TeamTime Session specific to their judgments.

Note: When doing a Team Time Evaluation, the evaluation steps that are shown during the evaluation are determined by a combination of the what to evaluate option (objectives, alternatives, or both) as well as the roles for the Project Manager.  You can, therefore, control which evaluation steps are to be displayed during a Team Time session by adjusting the Project Manager's roles for evaluating objectives and/or alternatives.