Updated Articles

  1. Musts vs. Wants

    Compensatory decision methodologies, such as AHP are the most effective way to prioritize alternatives.  A rational decision is one that best achieves an individual's or group's objectives -- their wants.  However, there are sometimes constraints, p...
  2. Why All Important Decisions are Subjective

    AHP (along with other multiple objective methods --discussed below) differs in a significant way from most/all other Management Science/Operations Research methods which focus on an "objective" function – singular.  Taking the "best" course of actio...
  3. Start/Stop Meeting

  4. Start or Stop TeamTime Evaluation

    After selecting and inviting participants to a TeamTime evaluation session, you can start the meeting (which can consist of both keypad users in the same room as well as remote users from any location). This can be done in COLLECT INPUT > Team...
  5. Invite Participants

  6. Invite Participants for TeamTime Evaluation

    After having selected participants to evaluate the project and assigning them roles to evaluate objectives and/or alternatives , you can invite the participants into TeamTime Evaluation. This can be done in COLLECT INPUT > TeamTime Evaluation >...
  7. Instructions for Receiver and Keypads with TeamTime Evaluation

    Plug the receiver into the USB port of the computer being used by the Facilitator. The drivers should be loaded automatically. Downloading and Installation of the TeamTime Keypad Assistant To download and use the TeamTime Keypad Assistant, make s...
  8. Setting Keypad mode in TeamTime Evaluation

    Participants can evaluate the objectives and/or alternatives in an online mode from any location, and/or in the meeting room (in which the meeting facilitator has set up a keypad receiver) using keypads. You can set the TeamTime mode in COLLECT IN...
  9. How to fix the formatting issues on the information documents?

    Information Documents formatting can be inconsistent for a few reasons, such as when the information was copied from an external source document and pasted to the rich text editor .  We suggest clearing or resetting the formatting using the icon b...
  10. Why I cannot see the options to manage my workgroup/models?

    If you are a Workgroup Manager/Owner, you have permission to create new models and manage all  existing models and participants in your workgroup.  If you cannot see these options, your workgroup permission might be assigned incorrectly; please c...