Updated Articles

  1. Evaluation - Top down or bottom up

    When an individual or small group derives priorities in an AHP model, they can evaluate either from the top down (from goal to objectives to alternatives) or bottom up (from alternatives, to covering objectives, to top level objectives).    A to...
  2. Local Results (Cluster Priorities)

    The priorities for elements in each cluster of the objectives hierarchy, as well as the priorities derived for the alternatives with respect to each covering objective, are referred to as "local" priorities. The options available on the "Cluster ...
  3. Hard Data and Judgment

    Important decisions and resource allocations involve some combination of hard data and judgment.  Expert Choice has effective ways for you to synthesize hard data and judgment into rational, defensible, convincing decisions.  This is accomplished b...
  4. Inconsistency Ratio

    Overview The theory of AHP does not demand perfect consistency.  AHP allows inconsistency but provides a measure of the inconsistency in each set of judgments.  This measure is an important by-product of the process of deriving priorities base...
  5. Validation exercises

    Brightness of Light Experiment Area Validation Experiment The relative areas of different geometric shapes (each within an order of magnitude) were derived from pairwise verbal judgments for shapes such as the following:  This experiment...
  6. Spanning Set

    Expert Choice employs an algorithm to determine when a spanning set of judgments has been entered for a cluster of elements, at which point priorities can be derived.  A spanning set of judgments is such that every element can be "reached" from eve...
  7. Politics, Governance and Control

    The ability for AHP to aggregate (synthesize) and filter (assign roles) is important for several reasons. Governance and Roles Power and control are distributed in organizations in a wide variety of ways.  An effective decision process must r...
  8. Roles

    A major challenge of almost all organizations today is to find a way to integrate the knowledge and expertise of their personnel in decision making and forecasting.  In The Wisdom of Crowds , James Surowiecki shows that under certain conditions -...
  9. Axioms of the Analytic Hierarchy Process

    Originally, AHP was based on three relatively simple axioms. The first axiom, the reciprocal axiom , requires that, if PC(EA,EB) is a paired comparison of elements A and B with respect to their parent, element C, representing how many times more t...
  10. Structuring

    In conformity with the second of the three AHP axioms originally proposed by Saaty, the elements of any cluster should be "homogeneous," meaning that they should differ in importance from one another by no more than an order of magnitude. This req...