Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Experts to help you on your Comparion experience!

Basic and Advanced Mode

Basic Mode - A revised, simplified user interface.

Advanced Mode - Advanced mode shows advanced option(s) on each screen.  This allows advanced users to go deeper into the application.  The left navigation is only displayed when this option is ON.

When you switch to Advanced mode, the advanced options on the page, if any, will flicker for few seconds. 

An eye icon also appears as shown above where there are Advanced options on the page, and hovering on the icon will flicker those advanced options. 

Workgroup, Model and Evaluation Wording

Comparion has a flexible way of defining the wording to be used on your model.

The Model Wording is initially defined for new models from:

  1. Default Options Sets - use the wording as specified on the default option sets Judgments Options wording.
  2. Workgroup Wording Templates - check the "Use workgroup wording templates" check box to apply the "Workgroup Wording Templates" to the new model's Judgments Options terminologies.

NOTE: When uploading existing models, or creating models from Archive or Templates, the wording will be based on its Judgments Options wording. 

Based on the selected option above, the wording will be applied to the created model’s JUDGMENTS OPTIONS WORDING which will be used throughout the model.  

NOTE: Since the Judgments Options terminologies only have a plural form, few places which use the singular form will use the Workgroup Templates’ singular terminologies.

You can also select the evaluation phrase to be used in the evaluation; by default, we show the wording for pairwise comparison both for Objectives (left) and Alternatives (right) as shown above.

Expand the dropdown to select the phrase. 

For Objectives:

For Alternatives:

Alternatively, you can also select Custom and type in the desired phrase (e.g., is more influential, has more importance, etc.).

When you select from the predefined phrase on the dropdown, the wording will also be applied to the Rating evaluation. 

For example, if you selected "is more important," the Rating wording on the evaluation page will be "Rate the importance."  Custom wording is not applicable for Ratings. 

If you want to fully customize the evaluation questions, you can edit the question directly on the evaluation page.

A summary of how wording works are shown in the diagram below:

Model Snapshots

Model Snapshots allows you to restore your Comparion model to a specific snapshot or restore point.

You can open Snapshots from the upper right menu as shown above, which is available on every page when the model is open, or in the Model's list command when the model is closed. 

View Mode

Model Snapshots can be displayed in Grid or List View. 

Click to toggle between Grid and List view. 

Grid View

The Grid View groups the similar snapshot actions (see 1st column) and shows the corresponding Date/Timestamps on the succeeding columns. 

For example below, the "Update pipe setting" action has snapshots with ID #183, #180, #177, and so on for different dates/times. 

List View

Simply shows the snapshots' actions in a list view.

Automatic Snapshots

A - (Auto) snapshots created automatically when modifying the model (i.e., add nodes, change contributions, model options, etc.).  Automatic snapshots are created after the change in the model.

Manual Snapshots

M - (Manual) created by the user at any time for any reason. 

You can manually create a restore point by clicking the  button.

A dialog box prompt will be displayed where you can add a comment:

Manual snapshots have a green font color.


Filter Snapshots

To filter the grid or list of snapshots, click the  button.  You can choose to show all snapshots, only automatic snapshots, or only manual snapshots.  

Edit and Delete Snapshots

Hovering on a snapshot name (List View) or Snapshot ID (Grid View) displays the pencil and delete icons. 

Clicking the pencil icon will show the edit window where you can edit the snapshot comment. 

To delete multiple snapshots at the same time, click the  button, then select the snapshot(s) to delete, and then click Delete Selected.  You can also empty the list using Delete All. 

Restore Snapshots

To restore your model to a specific snapshot (model version):

  1. Open Snapshots 
  2. Click on the Snapshot name in the List View or the Snapshot number in the Grid view  of the version you want to revert to.
  3. A confirmation prompt will appear:

3. If you wish to create a snapshot of the current state before restoring, click the applicable checkbox, enter the snapshot name, and then click Proceed. 

Forgot Password (Reset Password)

Forgot or Reset Password

In case you have forgotten or wanted to reset your password, just click on the "I forgot my password" link on the Comparion login page.

A prompt will be displayed where you need to enter the email address of your Comparion account. 

 Comparion will send you an email with a link (valid for 72 hours) to reset your password.

Simply click the reset link and you will be prompted to create your new password.  After doing so, click OK and you will be redirected to the login page where you can type in your email and your new password.

Project Manager Reset Participant's Password

The Project Manager can also change a participant's password. 

  1. Go to Workgroup Management/Model's Participants List 
  2. Search for the Participant that you want to change the password
  3. Click the key icon at the right where you can see two options to reset the password:
    • Generate random password
    • Manually set password - by typing in the desired password in the text box provided

Regardless of the option selected, the participant will receive an email with the link to create a new password.  The manually set password allows the participant to log in using the temporary password set by the Project Manager; s/he will be asked to create a new password after logging in. 

If you just want to change your password, you can go to the Personal Settings page after logging in and then update your password.

Shortcut Keys

Application Shortcuts

Comparion provides you with shortcuts to easily navigate and perform actions within the application.  You can see the list of keyboard shortcuts by clicking the Shortcuts link at the bottom left of every page. 

The shortcuts list may vary depending on the user's permission and the current page.  For example, the shortcuts below are for the Project Manager. 

When the user is in the evaluation, shortcuts for navigating the evaluation and accepting judgments (when applicable) will be included in the list (see highlighted): 

Rich text editor Shortcuts 

You can use the rich text editor shortcuts to easily perform formatting options/actions within the editor.  You can see the complete list by clicking the Help menu on the editor, or by pressing Alt+0:

BoldCtrl + B
ItalicCtrl + I
UnderlineCtrl + U
Select allCtrl + A
RedoCtrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z
UndoCtrl + Z
Header 1Shift + Alt + 1
Header 2Shift + Alt + 2
Header 3Shift + Alt + 3
Header 4Shift + Alt + 4
Header 5Shift + Alt + 5
Header 6Shift + Alt + 6
ParagraphShift + Alt + 7
DivShift + Alt + 8
AddressShift + Alt + 9
Open help dialogAlt + 0
Focus to menubarAlt + F9
Focus to toolbarAlt + F10
Focus to element pathAlt + F11
Focus to contextual toolbarCtrl + F9
Open popup menu for split buttonsShift + Enter
Insert link (if link plugin activated)Ctrl + K
Save (if save plugin activated)Ctrl + S
Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)Ctrl + F
Switch to or from fullscreen modeCtrl + Shift + F

Page Lookup

The Page Lookup allows you to open a dialog box that lists all the Comparion pages. 

This can be found by clicking the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the page.

You can expand/collapse the menus.  You can search for the page name. 

Clicking the page name will redirect you to that page.