

Dependencies Constraints
Dependencies are one of the constraints that can be defined when determining the alternatives to be funded in Resource Allocation .  You can display the dependencies in Table  or List  view.  Dependencies are displayed in the Table view by defa...
Groups Constraints
 The Groups page is where you can add or delete group constraints to be used in the optimization.  When using our Resource Aligner, groups of alternatives can be defined to assure that one of the following four relationships exist among the alte...
Funding Pools
Funding Pools allow specification of sources of funds as well as what the funds can be used for.  For example, funds from state governments and local governments might be restricted to be used only for certain alternatives (projects).  When setting ...
Time Periods Settings
You can manage the Time Periods in Allocate > TIME PERIODS SETTINGS .  Below is a sample of a scenario with Time Periods.  Time Periods allows you to have one or more sets of alternatives that will span one or more periods. You can specify Ti...