New Installations


Comparion Installation Pre-requisites
Windows Server 2016 (and above) -or- for isolated computers such as laptops, we can install on Windows 10. SQL Server 2008 (and above) Windows IIS (Internet Information Services) must be enabled If not already installed, Server Manager must be i...
Setting up IIS on Windows Server 2016
Use Server Manager to add roles and features to enable IIS and the necessary components. (On Windows 10, use Control Panel | Turn Windows features on or off instead of Server Manager and define only the features.) From a fresh Windows Server 2016,...
Machine Certificates
You should have your own machine certificate, but if not you can create a self-generated certificate. To create a self-generated certificate: Start Powershell with administrator privileges Navigate to the Certs folder which is contained in the m...
Configure the setup.ini
Replace the instances   of your FQDN fully qualified domain name), eg.   in the setup.ini file. Set the DB_COMPARION  value to the name you wish to call your Comparion database. Leave OPTIONS_ForceSS...
Install Expert Choice Self host instance
To install Comparion: Make sure you have saved setup.ini , and then Open a Powershell prompt with elevated Administrator privileges. Navigate to the install directory where  SelfHostSetup.ps1 is located. Make sure your system can run powershe...
What could go wrong? Site at the FQD N specified in the setup.ini doesn't load or is not found You might not have access to the webserver. Try pinging it. IIS not installed or not configured properly. From the webserver with I...
Creating a database, workgroups and installing your license
Open up a browser and browse to the URL you specified for your Comparion installation in the previous step, “Configure the Comparion setup file”. Add /install to the end of the URL For example, Subdomain.PrimaryDomain.TopLevelDomain/install Pr...