March 11, 2022

March 11, 2022 | Version 6.11.0


  • Export Objectives Hierarchy View 

Added a "Save as Image" option on the Objectives hierarchy view. This will export the hierarchy in .png format 

  • "Add from predefined sets" when creating a model 

Added a checkbox  "Add from predefined sets" when creating a new model. Checking this will redirect the Project Manager to the Objectives page with the "Add from predefined sets" window open. 

  • Charts Font Setting
    • Change the font settings to a dropdown instead of the decrease/increase A icons 
    • Added the "Auto font size" checkbox for column charts (automatically select the best font size for column chart type) 
  • Moved the evaluation options pages to the Collect Input tab

These pages were moved from the "Define Model" tab to the "Collect Input " tab

  • Consistent naming for Evaluation Status on the landing page and menu 
    • Renamed the "Overall Evaluation Progress" to "Evaluation Status" to match what's on the left menu
    • Added a hotlink to make it obvious that the Project Manager can go to the Evaluation Progress page by clicking
  • Resize the left navigation menu width
  • Legend on the Participants Roles page 
  • Show Objectives Index on the Define Model > Objectives page 
  • Reset option on each Dashboard's Sensitivity Panel

We've added a Reset button on each of the sensitive panels, previously the reset button was only available from the main Dashboard toolbar at the top

  • Enhancements on Quick Help
    • Added text-to-speech option on Quick Help pop-out
    • Changed the pop-out heading background to orange (from blue) 
    • Made the pop-out window wider 
    • Allowed to display QH more than once when going to a forward step (previously we only displayed QH once in a session)
  • Made the equal bar for PW Verbal darker 
  • Enhancement of Multi-pairwise evaluation
    • After entering a judgment, auto-select the next unassessed pair (previously we auto-select the next pair regardless if it is evaluated or not)
  • Show/hide the priority bars and normalization dropdown on the evaluation's results steps 
  • Confirmation prompt when deleting participants from the Workgroup Participants page   
  • Use Baron Solver on Resource Aligner 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the chart labels when they were displayed at the bottom
  • Hid the heading on the inconsistency improvement step since it is not applicable 
  • Fixed issue with not being able to edit participant name when there are < > characters 
  • Fixed issues on the exported image file of Sensitivity Charts 
    • Labels on the exported image file are too small compared to the actual labels displayed on the page 
    • Bottom labels are not showing as expected  
    • Missing labels for Pie, Donut, and Hierarchical Pie Charts