Updated Articles

  1. January 24, 2022

    January 24, 2022 | Version 6.2.6 Enhancements Use colored box icons for the Allow All (green), Restrict All (red), and Drop All (gray) buttons on the Participants Roles page  Make the groups column shown by default on the Participants page ...
  2. March 2, 2022

    March 2, 2022 | Version 6.2.9 Enhancements Added the "Reset" button on each sensitivity panel on the Dashboard, previously we only had it on the main toolbar.  Fixed Bug Fixed issue on Charts and Grid for Chinese Characters ...
  3. February 21, 2022

    February 21, 2022 | Version 6.2.8 Bug Fixes Fixed issue on add/edit rating scale where changes are not saving due to previously closing the editor  Do not show the priorities when a participant is selected on the Datagrid but instead show the in...
  4. Gamma 2022

    September 22, 2022 Version 6.11.3 (8d16937bec40) Bug Fixes Provide proper validation when adding participants without an e-mail address.  Hid the export button on the Page Lookup dialog. The export button should only be available to the admin. ...
  5. September 20, 2022

    September 20, 2022 | Version 6.11.3 (514e0185023f) Bug Fixes Added proper validation when adding a participant with an empty e-mail address  Fixed the missing individual results when the logged in user is the custom column on the local results ...
  6. Counterproductive strategies

    To cope with the limitations of decision making, managers have resorted to various decision-making strategies, such as Intuition BOPSAT Rules of thumb Heuristics Simple tradeoffs Nutshell briefings Satisficing Misuse of numbe...
  7. Limitations of effective decision making

    Decision-making is hard because of various cognitive and organizational limitations such as limited memory capacity framing bias overconfidence politics groupthink loss aversion sunk costs endowment effect availability ...
  8. Advanced Mode: Synthesize (Distributive, Normalization, AIP, CIS, User Priorities)

    When the Advanced mode is ON, you will see the advance options (if applicable) on Synthesize pages.  Ideal and Distributive Synthesis Results can be computed as an Ideal  mode (default) or D istributive  mode synthesis.  Originally, AHP ...

    BOPSAT is decision-making by a B unch of P eople S itting A round T alking, which is a management practice of using sometimes inexperienced committee members to make important decisions. 1    Even though there may be considerable preparation ...
  10. Validating Experiments

    Every day, people face decisions in domains as diverse as choosing among shampoos, stocks, medical treatments, and friends.  When people have not learned what to do through trial and error, they need a suite of generally applicable decision-making s...