Updated Articles

  1. Invite Participants using Group Specific links

    The Group-Specific Links tab provides a link that will assign both registered  and unregistered  participants to a specific group.  In the General Link tab, you can only select a group and copy the invitation link one at a time.  Here in the Grou...
  2. Invite Participants using Participant Specific Links

    The Participant Specific Links tab provides a (unique) link and email address generated for every registered participant in the model.  The Project Manager can distribute these links to participants. The Project Manager can copy the links and ...
  3. Send AnyTime Invitation (from Comparion or Local Mail Client)

    The Send Email(s) tab is one of the send invitation options for AnyTime Evaluation.  It displays a participants list table as shown below where the Project Manager will select the participant/s that will receive the AnyTime invitation.  You can ad...
  4. Elements of effective decision making methodologies

    Focus on objectives Compensatory Brainstorming Screening Pros and cons Structuring Qualitative judgment Quantitative data Collaboration Roles Synthesis Identification of inconsistent judgments Consensus Sensi...
  5. Common Applications for the AHP Methdology

    Prioritization of strategic objectives Site selection Source selection Vendor selection HR candidate selection Performance evaluation 360° reviews Project portfolio management Capital budgeting Resource allocation Voice of the customer Fo...
  6. Evaluation Progress

    The landing page for Collect Input includes a progress bar summarizing overall evaluator progress. To monitor individual participant evaluation progress use the Evaluation Status page.  The Evaluation Status page is found in COLLECT INPUT > E...
  7. Model Status: Online or Offline

    Only online models are accessible to evaluators for collection of input. The Project Manager can set the model status Evaluators won't be able to evaluate a model that is offline.  Accessing the evaluator's link will redirect them to the logi...
  8. Categorical and Non-categorical Alternative Attributes

    Alternatives Attributes can be managed in the DEFINE MODEL  > Review / Refine Model,  Alternatives page.  Alternative attributes allow you to specify text, numeric, Boolean, or categorical  attributes for Alternatives.  Attributes for alter...
  9. Add, Edit and Delete Alternatives

    In a decision model, where one alternative is selected, alternatives represent possible courses of action. In a PPM (project portfolio management) model, alternatives represent candidate projects for funding and execution.  Alternatives can be vi...
  10. TeamTime Brainstorming