Updated Articles

  1. Portfolio View Overview

    The Portfolio View page contains all the alternatives, their benefits (priorities), e.benefits (expected benefits), risks (by default, the risk and e.benefits columns are hidden when there are no risks defined), and costs.  The Partial column is use...
  2. Select Participants and Groups

    You can display the Alternatives and Objectives priorities in Grids and Charts for one or more participants or groups. Click  to expand the toolbar options, if collapsed.  Clicking  will open a window displaying the participants and groups of th...
  3. Filter Alternatives

    You can specify alternatives be excluded or included in the Synthesize results using the Filter Alternatives dropdown.  Click  to expand the toolbar options, if collapsed.  By default, all alternatives are displayed. Show top N Alternatives....
  4. Consensus View

    The consensus view shows the standard deviations (the square root of the variances) among evaluators for each judgment. The table is sorted from highest disagreement to lowest disagreement among evaluators for each node. The entries are displaye...
  5. Objectives Grid

    The Objectives  Grid  page shows the objectives priorities with respect to the decision goal for All Participants.  You can select to show the children , covering objectives , or  all objectives below the selected node in the hierarchy: "...
  6. Alternatives Grid

    Overview The Alternatives Grid  page shows the alternative priorities with respect to the decision goal for All Participants. These priorities are based on the normalized right eigenvector of the geometric average of the judgments for all partic...
  7. Ideal and Distributive Synthesis: Closed and Open Systems

    Originally, AHP had only one synthesis mode – later called the "distributive" synthesis mode.  A distributive synthesis distributes priorities from the goal down through the alternatives and is analogous to dividing priorities in a pie chart, which...
  8. What is Synthesize Results?

    After structuring the model and collecting judgments, use the Synthesis Results menu to analyze the results.   Synthesize automatically combines qualitative judgments with quantitative data, if available.  Qualitative judgments are based on the kno...
  9. Select Participants

  10. Select Participants for TeamTime Evaluation

    All participants in the model are listed.  You can select all or only some of them to participate in any TeamTime evaluation session by clicking the check box to the left or their names: Participants can evaluate the objectives and/or alternativ...