The landing page for Collect Input includes a progress bar summarizing overall evaluator progress. To monitor individual participant evaluation progress use the Evaluation Status page. The Evaluation Status page is found in COLLECT INPUT > E...
The Project Manager can select options that determine what the evaluators will see during their evaluation session, such as the Intermediate and Overall Results. This can be done on the COLLECT INPU T > Set Measurement Options > Participant d...
The Welcome, Thank you, or Reward pages of the evaluation can be shown or hidden. This can be done on the COLLECT INPU T > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options .
A welcome page is shown at the beginning of the evalu...
Roles can be assigned to Participant Groups (custom groups or a pre-defined group called "All Participants") as well as to individual participants. The resultant role for a participant is a combination of the roles assigned to any group to which th...
Setting up roles with groups is a very flexible and powerful method, but somewhat more complex. Every participant belongs to a Participant Group called "All Participants." The All Participants group initially has an "allow" role for all cells as s...
Inconsistency Ratio can be shown or hidden in the Intermediate Results pages. This can be done on the COLLECT INPU T > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options .
The inconsistency ratio can be shown when judgments are ...
Sensitivity analysis (Dynamic, Performance, and Gradient) can be shown or hidden to the evaluators. If shown, either the individual or combined priorities can be shown.
This can be done on the COLLECT INPU T > Set Measurement Options > Par...
Participant Attributes can be managed in the DEFINE MODEL > Define Participants & Roles > Participants page. Overview Participant attributes are the attributes or properties that are assigned to the participants. Participant Attributes are...
Last Updated: 02/01/2022
in Manage Models Models List
Models with later database versions are not supported on sites with earlier database versions. Most people only work on one site, for example comparion.expertchoice.com. Downgrading is only relevant if you work on more than one site. This scenario ...
Alternatives Attributes can be managed in the DEFINE MODEL > Review / Refine Model, Alternatives page. Alternative attributes allow you to specify text, numeric, Boolean, or categorical attributes for Alternatives. Attributes for alter...