Collaboration encourages problem-solving, allows participants to learn from each other, increases productivity, makes problem-solving easier, increases the capacity for change and increases buy-in. With TeamTime Brainstorming, you can collaborate wi...
You can manage (create, edit, delete, clone, etc.) the measurement scales of the model using the button. Clicking the Manage Scales button will open a dialog box as below: The existing scale(s) of the selected Measurement Method are popul...
will expand all branches of the hierarchy. will collapse the hierarchy and show only the goal and the first level of elements (objectives). You can also expand/collapse sections of the hierarchy by clicking the same icons at the left of the o...
When defining the Measurement Methods , additional information and options can be displayed when Advanced Mode is ON. Options per cluster for ALL measurement types: The # of Elements in cluster column displays the number of sub-objectives...
Edit Mode The Edit Mode is a mode where the Project Manager can assign roles by clicking on the cells or using the Drop/Allow/Restrict All options. Two participants are selected in the example below. The border of the node (in this case ligh...
You can create Dynamic Groups in the DEFINE MODEL > Define Participants & Roles > Participants page. A Dynamic group is defined as a participant group in which membership is determined by the participant attributes . This allows the Proje...
Last Updated: 02/01/2022
in Manage Models Models List
Creating a copy of your model (Save as) is helpful if you want to experiment with some changes but want to keep a copy of your model before making any changes. See also Snapshots To make a copy of a Comparion model, simply go to the Models list,...
The same pairwise comparison technique used for measuring the priorities of the objectives can be used to measure the priorities representing the relative preference of alternatives with respect to each lowest level objective (also called covering...
Participants can be added to a model in a variety of ways. This can be done in DEFINE MODEL > Define Participants & Roles > Participants page.
1. Enter or paste from clipboard a) Choose to enter one or more email addresses and ...
Comparion has several ways to invite participants to an anytime evaluation -- both for unregistered participants as well as those already registered in the model. Responsive or Non-responsive Evaluation pages AnyTime evaluation pages can be ...