After Downloading the Datagrid file of one of the participants, you can change data on the downloaded .xlsx file and upload it back to Comparion. Note: We recommend utilizing the Datagrid upload functionality primarily for uploading Alternat...
Created On: 07/21/2021
in Release Notes
July 21, 2021 | Version 6.2.2 (a2e9aa2343e0) Features and Enhancements Added Normalization (Unnormalized and Normalized) and Mode (Ideal/Distributive) options on the Datagrid page. Note: The Distributive mode is only applicable for Normalized, t...
If applicable, you can show the Expected Values on Intermediate and Overall Results.
Expected value (also known as EV, expectation, average, or mean value) is a long-run average value of random variables. It also indicates the probability-wei...
To cope with the limitations of decision making, managers have resorted to various decision-making strategies, such as Intuition BOPSAT Rules of thumb Heuristics Simple tradeoffs Nutshell briefings Satisficing Misuse of numbe...
Decision-making is hard because of various cognitive and organizational limitations such as limited memory capacity framing bias overconfidence politics groupthink loss aversion sunk costs endowment effect availability ...
Created On: 07/31/2020
in Manage Models Models List
Models History lists the history of models opened by the currently logged-in user.
This can be found by clicking your Name > Manage Models > Models History:
Clicking the Models History will open a prompt as shown below:
You can show or hide the objective's full path in the evaluation heading.
This can be done on the COLLECT INPU T > Set Measurement Options > Participant display options .
Never - do not show the objective...
You can export the Model Structure to the clipboard or TXT and the Objectives Hierarchy in Define Model > Review > Refine Model > Objectives page. Simply click the Export button and select from the options: The Model Structure is formatted...