New Articles

  1. How to Save Judgments

    Judgments are automatically recorded when you go to another step, by clicking the  button, the Previous button, or the Next Unassessed button. You can leave the evaluation at any time and be assured that all your judgments are saved.  When you l...
  2. Single Pairwise Verbal Comparisons

    Pairwise Verbal can be used to express your judgment about the relative importance or preference or likelihoods of the two elements.  In the example below, we are asked to compare the relative importance of the two objectives  (Cost of Ownership a...
  3. Single Pairwise Graphical/Numerical Comparisons

    Pairwise graphical/numerical comparisons can be used to express your judgment about the relative importance or preference or likelihoods of the two elements. In the example below, we are asked to compare the relative importance of the two objective...
  4. Multi-pairwise Verbal Comparison Evaluation

    Pairwise comparisons are entered on a screen, as shown in the figure below, by clicking on or between words that express your judgment about the relative importance or preference or likelihoods (see Pairwise Comparisons Contexts) of the two elements...
  5. Multi-pairwise Graphical/Numerical Comparisons

    Pairwise graphical/numerical comparisons can be used to express your judgment about the relative importance or preference or likelihoods of the two elements shown on each line. In the example below, we are asked to compare the relative importance o...
  6. Rating Alternatives

    Depending on how the Project Manager set up the evaluation, you will be asked to rate one alternative with respect to one objective on each screen, or all alternatives with respect to one objective on each screen, or one alternative with respect to ...
  7. Step Function

    Depending on the settings made by the Project Manager, the Step Function graph and the resulting priority may vary depending on whether the Piecewise Linear option is enabled or not. The graph below shows the Step Function when the Piecewise Linear...
  8. Direct Priority Entry

    The Direct Input method can be used when evaluating objectives with respect to another objective or when evaluating alternatives with respect to an objective. In the example below, we are asked to evaluate all the objectives with respect to the dec...
  9. Select Participants and Groups

    You can display the Alternatives and Objectives priorities in Grids and Charts for one or more participants or groups. Click  to expand the toolbar options, if collapsed.  Clicking  will open a window displaying the participants and groups of th...
  10. Shortcut Keys

    Application Shortcuts Comparion provides you with shortcuts to easily navigate and perform actions within the application.  You can see the list of keyboard shortcuts by clicking the Shortcuts link at the bottom left of every page.  The shortcuts ...