Comparion “templates” serves as a quick and convenient starting point for building models, ensuring consistency and ease of use across projects. Templates provide the foundational structure for models without including participant information, data, or results.
Below are templates designed for common use cases. Additionally, you may create your own templates from existing workgroup models by selecting the dropdown menu next to each model.
Comparion Sample Templates
How to Download and Use Templates
Some sample templates were included in your starting workgroup. To download additional sample templates to your workgroup, and create models based on them:
- Download the Template
- Click the provided link to download the model template file (.ahps).
- Upload and Create a New Model
- Navigate to the Manage Models page.
- Click the New from File button.
- Select the downloaded file to upload the template and create a new model.
Additional Resources: Comparion Sample Models with Data
In addition to model templates (without data), your workgroup may also contain Comparion Sample Models (complete with participants and judgment data). Comparion models are ideal for training purposes, as they let you showcase features such as sensitivity analysis, group differences, portfolio optimizations and more.