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  1. Models Statistics

    The Model Statistics page includes: Access Code  Model size Snapshots size and count (Manual and Auto)  Status  Dates (Created, Last Visited, and Modified)  The Model Statistics page is shown below:  You can search a model by name, de...
  2. Roles

    A major challenge of almost all organizations today is finding a way to integrate the knowledge and expertise of their personnel in decision making and forecasting.  In The Wisdom of Crowds, 1  James Surowiecki shows that under certain conditions ...
  3. Change Admin password

    Log in as admin From the System Manager drop-down at the upper right, choose Personal Settings Specify a new password or click the Generate link to have one generated for you Make sure you save the new admin password somewhere you’ll be able to ...
  4. Anytime versus TeamTime™ Decision Making & Measurement Definition

    In addition to defining the “measurement type” for each decision node, Project Managers can set one of 2 modes to make judgments about objectives (criteria) and alternatives (projects): Anytime or TeamTime ™ on the Collect Input screen: AnyTime...
  5. Why All Important Decisions are Subjective

    AHP (along with other multiple objective methods --discussed below) differs in a significant way from most/all other Management Science/Operations Research methods which focus on an "objective" function – singular.  Taking the "best" course of actio...
  6. Hard Data and Judgment

    Important decisions and resource allocations involve some combination of hard data and judgment.  Expert Choice has effective ways for you to synthesize hard data and judgment into rational, defensible, convincing decisions.  This is accomplished b...
  7. TeamTime Pairwise Verbal Comparisons

    Pairwise Verbal judgments can be used to evaluate alternatives and/or objectives with respect to another objective or criterion.  Participants enter pairwise comparisons in TeamTime by using either keypads (see Select  Participants ) or by logg...
  8. Import Custom Constraints

    You can import custom constraints from: Categorical Alternative Attributes - establish strategic buckets for use in "Balance and Coverage" analysis and for use as a constraint Numerical Alternative Attributes - useful as constraints and f...
  9. Redundant Judgments

    A minimum spanning set of judgments for a cluster of n elements consists of a set of n -1 judgments, in that every element can be "reached" from every other element.  It is necessary to have a spanning set of judgments in order to compute the pri...
  10. Spanning Set

    Expert Choice employs an algorithm to determine when a spanning set of judgments has been entered for a cluster of elements, at which point priorities can be derived.  A spanning set of judgments is such that every element can be "reached" from eve...