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  1. Utility Curve

    Utility curves are used to convert data into ratio scale priorities.  Utility curves can be increasing or decreasing, linear or non-linear. In the example below we are asked to enter data (Initial Cost: 20,195) for the alternative "Toyota Camry." ...
  2. Focus on Objectives

    Management by Objectives (MBO) as a concept first appeared in a 1954 book  The Practice of Management .  The author, Peter Drucker, has since become known as one of the world’s most influential business experts.  Management by Objectives is  ...
  3. Comparion Installation Pre-requisites

    Windows Server 2016 (and above) -or- for isolated computers such as laptops, we can install on Windows 10. SQL Server 2008 (and above) Windows IIS (Internet Information Services) must be enabled If not already installed, Server Manager must be i...
  4. How to Save Judgments?

    Your judgments are automatically recorded when you move to another step by using the " Next, " " Previous ," or " Next Unassessed " button. 
  5. Workgroup Wording Template

    When creating a new model, you can select whether to use the Default Options Set Wording or the Workgroup Wording . To define your Workgroup Wording, click on your User Name  > Manage Workgroup > Wording Template page: Here you can specify...
  6. Creating a database, workgroups and installing your license

    Open up a browser and browse to the URL you specified for your Comparion installation in the previous step, “Configure the Comparion setup file”. Add /install to the end of the URL For example, Subdomain.PrimaryDomain.TopLevelDomain/install Pr...
  7. Troubleshooting

    What could go wrong? Site at the FQD N specified in the setup.ini doesn't load or is not found You might not have access to the webserver. Try pinging it. IIS not installed or not configured properly. From the webserver with I...
  8. Collect Input -- Insight Survey

    The Insight survey has been prepared by your Project Manager and should be self explanatory. If you are the Project Manager, you can create and/or modify the insight survey on the Insight Questionnaire page.  ...
  9. Manage Participant Groups

    You can add, edit and delete the participants' groups from DEFINE MODEL > Define Participants & Roles > Participants Groups page.   Participant Groups can be used when: Setting up roles and  Displaying results Groups are displayed a...
  10. Configure the setup.ini

    Replace the instances comparion.example.com   of your FQDN fully qualified domain name), eg. comparion.acme.org   in the setup.ini file. Set the DB_COMPARION  value to the name you wish to call your Comparion database. Leave OPTIONS_ForceSS...