Updated Articles

  1. Recommended Approaches for Setting Roles for the 'All Participants' Group

    Participants can be assigned roles with or without groups.  In the former case, we advise leaving all roles allowed for the All Participants Group as they are set by default.  In the case of assigning roles using groups, we advise starting by droppi...
  2. Participant Roles Edit vs View Mode

    Edit Mode The Edit Mode  is a mode where the Project Manager can assign roles by clicking on the cells or using the Drop/Allow/Restrict All options.  Two participants are selected in the example below.  The border of the node (in this case ligh...
  3. Copy and Paste Roles

    You can copy roles from one participant to another: Select the participant(s) whose roles you want roles to copy Click Copy Roles Select the participant(s) you want to copy the roles to Click Paste Roles You can also select multiple pa...
  4. Enable or Disable Participants

    You can enable or disable model participants from   DEFINE MODEL  > Define Participants & Roles > Participants page: To enable or disable model participants: check (disable) or uncheck (enable) the check box on the "Disabled?" column; or ...
  5. Remove Participants

    You can remove or delete participants from DEFINE MODEL > Define Participants & Roles > Participants page.  Clicking the Remove button displays 3 options to remove the participant(s):  Remove selected participants.  This option is greye...
  6. Models Statistics

    The Model Statistics page includes: Access Code  Model size Snapshots size and count (Manual and Auto)  Status  Dates (Created, Last Visited, and Modified)  The Model Statistics page is shown below:  You can search a model by name, de...
  7. Creating and Editing Insight Questionnaires

    An "Insight Questionnaire" can be presented to evaluators at the beginning ( Pre-Survey ) of the input collection process, at the end ( Post-Survey ) of the input collection process, or both. Clicking Pre-Survey or Post-Survey will display a p...
  8. Download Data Grid

    The  button is used to create a .xlsx file (readable in Excel) with four sections:  Datagrid Calculated Instructions The Math Explained Datagrid for All Participants:  The Datagrid for All Participants (see below) contains the:  The Cal...
  9. Collect Input -- Local Results

    Overview The priorities for elements in each cluster of the objectives hierarchy, as well as the priorities derived for the alternatives with respect to each covering objective, are referred to as "local" priorities and are displayed on the Inter...
  10. Overall Results (Global Priorities)

    The priorities of the alternatives with respect to the Goal are shown on this screen: Depending on the Project Manager, the participants and/or combined results can be displayed.  Clicking on a lower level node in the objectives hierarchy will ...