Updated Articles

  1. Model Documentation

    Comparion provides a set of predefined reports and a set of icons to view, print, and download. Overall Results  Objectives and Alternatives Priorities Judgments of Objectives  Judgments of Alternatives  Structure Overview Report Objectives a...
  2. Dashboards

    Comparion Dashboard is an information management tool where you can add different Comparion pages and widgets to the Dashboard as panels. A model without any dashboard is displayed as below:  Here we see three options: (1) Create Ne w da...
  3. Define Measurement Methods Overview

    You can manage the Measurement Methods in DEFINE MODEL > Set Measurement Options > Measurement Methods page:  The Measurement Methods page is used to designate how priorities are to be derived or assigned: For objectives with respect to the...
  4. Participant and Group Roles Overview

    The Participant Roles page consists of: The For Alternatives/For Objectives tabs to assign roles for alternatives and for objectives respectively. The  Participants/Groups tabs  toggle between the participant's list and the group's list of...
  5. User Priorities (Weights)

    You can set and edit participant priorities (that will be used to weigh the participant's judgments). By default the User Priorities is hidden; use the column chooser to show it: When the User Priority check box is enabled, the User Priority co...
  6. Dynamic Participants Groups

    You can create Dynamic Groups in the  DEFINE MODEL > Define Participants & Roles > Participants page. A  Dynamic group is defined as a participant group in which membership is determined by the participant attributes .  This allows the Proje...
  7. Participant Attributes

    Participant Attributes can be managed in the DEFINE MODEL  > Define Participants & Roles > Participants page.  Overview Participant attributes are the attributes or properties that are assigned to the participants.  Participant Attributes are...
  8. Add, Edit, Delete Participant Groups

    You can add, edit, and delete the participants groups from DEFINE MODEL > Define Participants & Roles > Participants page.  Participant Groups can be used when: Setting up roles and  Displaying results Participant Groups can be: Dyn...
  9. Erase Participant's Judgments

    You can erase the participant's judgments in DEFINE MODEL > Define Participants & Roles > Participants screen.  Simply check the checkboxes to the left of the name of the participant(s) you want to delete judgments, click Edit > Erase Judgments...
  10. Participants List Actions (Reset Password, Get link etc.)

    There are four icons under the Actions column of the Participants table:  Reset Password  sets or resets the password for the participant.  Gold  key indicates that the user has a password, blue  key means user has no password.  You can...