Updated Articles

  1. Models List Commands (Archive, Download, Delete etc.)

    When you right-click the model name or click to the right of the model name, a list of options will appear: Open model Save as - to save a copy of the model with a different name Archive - to archive a model  Download  Delete  Get Model ...
  2. How to Save Judgments

    Judgments are automatically recorded when you go to another step, by clicking the  button, the Previous button, or the Next Unassessed button. You can leave the evaluation at any time and be assured that all your judgments are saved.  When you l...
  3. What is Reports?

    The Reports page of Expert Choice Comparion contains Pre-defined reports and Ad-hoc reports. Ad-hoc reports allow the Project Managers to filter model results by specifying filters for one or more columns, either in the grid or by clicking "Create ...
  4. Edit Model Name and Model Description

    The Description  tab allows you to edit the Model Name and the Model Description.  This can be found on the DEFINE MODEL > Description/Details page.  Click  to edit the model description.  A rich text editor will be opened where you can ...
  5. Multi-pairwise Graphical/Numerical Comparisons

    Pairwise graphical and numerical comparisons are to be used to express judgments about the relative importance, preference, or likelihoods of the two elements shown on each line. In the example below, we are asked to compare the relative importance...
  6. Single Pairwise Graphical/Numerical Comparisons

    Pairwise graphical and numerical comparisons are used to express your judgment about the relative importance,  preference, or likelihood of the two elements being compared. In the example below, we are asked to compare the relative importance of th...
  7. Step Function

    The step function is used to convert raw data into ratio-scale data. Depending on the settings made by the Project Manager, the Step Function graph and the resulting priority may vary depending on whether the Piecewise Linear option is enabled or n...
  8. Rating Alternatives

    Depending on how the Project Manager sets up the evaluation, you will be asked to rate one alternative with respect to one objective per step, all alternatives with respect to one objective per step, or one alternative with respect to all objectives...
  9. Collect Input -- Dynamic Sensitivity

    The Project Manager can show or hide the Sensitivity Analysis at the end of the Collect Input steps.  The purpose of the sensitivity analyses is to graphically see how the alternative priorities would change if the priorities of the objectives or ...
  10. Collect Input -- Insight Survey

    The Insight survey has been prepared by your Project Manager and should be self explanatory. If you are the Project Manager, you can create and/or modify the insight survey on the Insight Questionnaire page.  ...